API Reference



Title and start_time are required. venue_capacity is optional (but required to begin selling tickets)

Confirms (aka “Events”) are confirmed events on the team’s calendar. Typically, when a venue is attempting to organize a date for an artist to perform, those begin as “Holds” on their calendar for multiple potential dates. Then, when everything has been decided, the Holds on the Calendar become a single Confirm.

Applying Filters

Opendate APIs apply no filters by default. This allows API applications to use the API for a wide range of reasons. However, many times, you need some common sense filters to be applied to make sense of a “normal” use case where potential customers are viewing the data.

This section of the documentation is a list of GET Query param filters that most likely make sense to include when asking the API to return Confirm records.

Makes sense 99% of the time:

ParamExample ValueNotes
q[is_public_eq]trueOnly give back Confirms that are public (not private)
q[published_at_lt]2022-11-11T09:15:27-05:00Only find shows where the published time is “less than” the provided ISO 8601 time value.Pass the current time in order to get only Confirms that have been published.
q[canceled_eq]falseOnly give back Confirms that have not been canceled

Most likely want these too:

ParamExample ValueNotes
q[calendar_classification_eq]on_saleOnly give back Confirms that are currently on sale
q[start_time_gt]2022-11-11T09:15:27-05:00Only find shows where the start time is “greater than” the provided ISO 8601 time value.Pass the current time in order to get only Confirms that start in the future (aka “have not started yet”)